Thursday, November 10, 2011

I Blog, Therefore I Am

OK, so let's start a blog. I've been trying to think of some thrilling way to begin this thing but instead I've decided that it's best to just get the ball rolling with a recent event and see where it goes. And we're off.

I have fallen in love with the Oregon coast and one of my favorite coastal towns is Brookings. I always look forward to visiting my friends Captain Bill and Suzy when I'm there. Mushroom hunting is a big thing along the coast and Bill has taught me a lot about which ones are desirable and which should be avoided. I've chosen to maintain my anonymity in this photo and probably throughout this blog for fear of retribution by the Smurf army after destroying their village. These are King Bolete mushrooms and the largest one weighs around 3 lbs and can get this big in ONE day! So have no fear Smurf lovers...I'm sure they're all settled into some new digs by now.

1 comment:

  1. Hilarious!!!! I love your humor and I agree about the Smurf's. I hear they can be nasty!
