Monday, November 21, 2011

It's Alive!

My first couple of hikes through the forests in Oregon really blew me away. It seemed like every square inch of forest was alive with lush vegetation, mushrooms, slugs...BIG slugs, and a carpet of moss that covers trees high up into the canopies. That's my friend Emily on the Drift Creek Falls suspension bridge. She has taken me on some great hikes over the last couple of years. The hike to see the falls is an easy one that brings you to the longest suspension bridge in Oregon which crosses a steep canyon and provides a great view from mid span. The rock face of the falls completely caved in a year or so ago and completely changed the look of this spot from tranquil to rugged but it's still worth the visit. Check out some before and after pics here. Thanks for another great summer Em. See you next year.

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